Social Media and Local SEO in Atlanta

by | Mar 24, 2015 | Business software

In the 1950s and ‘60s, businesses sold their products or services through catalogs, newspaper ads, cold calls, or going door to door (remember those vacuum cleaner salesmen?). The methods of promoting a product or service changed very little until the late 1990s in the U.S. The age of the vacuum cleaner salesman, for the most part, has gone the way of the dodo bird; it is extinct or should be! However, the amazing fact is many businesses refuse to understand that they can no longer reach clients the same way they have for the past five decades. The newspaper, the yellow pages, and the door to door salesman, have all given way to the internet.

The New Way to Sell

If you, as a businessman or company, desire to reach thousands of potential clients and customers, the way to do so is through web presence. Here in Atlanta, Georgia, that requires at least a website and some local SEO in Atlanta. At the very basic level, a website needs to provide excellent navigation with no dead pages, informative content referring to products and services, and a very easy way to contact you. If your site lacks these options, you might as well go back to the telegraph system. A website should also be mobile optimized, as over half of all internet use is from a smart phone. To achieve all of this, you should hire a professional local SEO and web expert.

Building a Presence

Having a website is step one. Step two is providing a way to easily find it. This is where your local SEO expert comes in. A website not on page one of Google for their particular search will seldom be visited. Any SEO expert you hire needs to have an excellent understanding of Google’s search algorithms. Google is constantly updating their search algorithms. Panda, Penguin, and now Humming Bird are all updates SEO professionals need to understand well. Without an understanding of Google, your expert is not an expert at all. Google is the main search engine used today. Until something surpasses it in popularity, you should aim to be #1 on a Google search.

Do not hire an expert who has no knowledge of social media. In today’s world, mastering social media is just as important as landing on Google’s page one. Millions of people surf Facebook even more than they search for items on Google. Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube can put your product in front of millions of people very quickly and can grow your business rapidly. A local SEO expert should be able to integrate all of your web presence to achieve your goals.

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